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Shimonoseki Grand Hotel

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  • 1. Shimonoseki Grand Hotel
  • 2. Shimonoseki Grand Hotel
  • 1. Shimonoseki Grand Hotel
  • 2. Shimonoseki Grand Hotel

3 minutes walk from Karato market and Kamon wharf, 5 minutes by Kanmon boat from the hotel front to Moji harbor at the other side of the coast. Only 10 minutes to reach Ganryu island by boat and easy access from various sightseeing spots. The guestroom has two types of view, nostalgic townscape side and the ocean view side towards Kanmon Strait. Especially the night view from the ocean side is definitely recommended.

Basic Information

Location Nabecho 31-2, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Access (1) 5 minutes by car from JR Sanyo main line Shimonoseki station
(2) 5 minutes by ship from Moji harbor
(3) 10 minutes by car from Shimonoseki IC
Office of Inquiry Shimonoseki Grand Hotel TEL: 083-231-5000