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Ube Festival

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  • 1. Ube Festival

On the evening prior to the festival there is a stage event which is popular every year and on the day of the regular festival a large parade on the main street of Ube City takes place with around 5,000 citizens participating.
Besides for the ”food”which is indispensable at festivals the ”World Kitchen”, a festival of the world¥¥'s foods takes place on both days.

November 3, 2018~November 4, 2018

Basic Information

Location Town area of Ube City Yamaguchi Prefecture
Access (1) It is a 15-minute walk from JR Ube Line Ube-Shinkawa Station
Office of Inquiry Ube Festival Executive Committee ((Foundation) Ube Sightseeing Convention Association) TEL: 0836-34-2050